Category Collections

30+ Snake Tattoos: Trending Ideas & Drawings

Some people love them and some people fear them. We are talking about snakes. Where do you stand when it comes to these magnificent creatures? Either way it may be we know that you’re going to like this article. Here,…

40+ Dragon Tattoo Ideas & Trending Drawings

It’s not surprising when someone whips out a dragon tattoo since they’re fairly common in the industry. We can see why too, a dragon tattoo, depending on the art style, can represent fearlessness, rage, passion, or wisdom. Dragon tattoos became…

40+ Compass Tattoo Ideas and Design Inspirations

In the world of tattoos, trends shift and change like the swirling tides, each bringing unique artistry and rich symbolism into the spotlight. The compass, for instance, has been a steadfast symbol throughout history, often used to guide adventurers on…

30+ Libra Tattoo Ideas and Design Inspirations

Getting your zodiac sign tattooed on you is becoming increasing popular. Horoscopes have always been a thing but recently people have been tapping into their witchy side a little more and resonate with the traits that go with their sign.…

70+ Octopus Tattoo Ideas with Meanings

When you walk into a tattoo parlor you won’t be shocked to see one octopus lining the walls. Octopi have always been popular in the tattoo industry because of their mysterious nature but they also represent quiet a lot. Octopi…